Today Is International Left-Handers Day!
We’ve been drawing toons left-handed for about three and a half years, so we have developed a ton of respect for the lefties out there. You guys have to deal with smudged ink and develop alternative writing styles to avoid it. You also have to shift using your non-dominant hands when driving a manual car. Not to mention sometimes being called a “southpaw”. Blerg. The list could go on and on.
This day is for you lefties out there! It’s also a Friday, which is awesome! However, it’s Friday the 13th… so be careful lefties! Oh, and righties too.
PS. What better day to tell a friend about Left-Handed Toons! Here’s a sample conversation:
You: Hello dear friend.
Friend: Hello.
You: Today is Left-Handers Day. Related to this is the site Left-Handed Toons. They are righties, but have been drawing comics with their left hands for over three years!
Friend: My mind has been awesomed.
//Friend is now known as Best Friend
you guys rock, keep up the great stuff…
-a loyal subscriber-
I agree that lefties have life harder because righties designed the world, but I disagree with: "You also have to shift using your non-dominant hands when driving a manual car." being a hard point. In places where we drive on the left of the road (e.g. UK, Australia), all we righties shift with our non-dominant hand. It's all just a matter of habit.
The driving on the left side of the road thing did come to mind, but I totally forgot that the steering wheel also switches sides =P I'm silly.
As someone who is somewhere in between left handed and right handed, but not ambidextrous either (depending on the thing determines which hand is dominant, and some things it depends on the day, but never can I do both) I have to say when it comes to those things I do lefty its a lot harder to find the right tools.
In other news the universe is left handed. I would explain what that means but we didn't get to it in first year Physics, it was just a tangent our Professor went on where he told us that it has been experimentally confirmed that the Universe is "left handed".